Catalog of products
Safety barrier - Armstrong

The Avon EB950CR Armstrong Barrier is a high security rising arm barrier that has been PAS 68 impact tested and offers a high level of protection where central roadway foundations are not possible / practical.
The drop arm barrier can withstand direct impact forces in excess of 720 KJ, and provides shallow mounted protection to sites from extreme Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) attack.
The EB950CR offers an optional VADS (Vehicle Access Delay Standards) Locking System that can be retrofitted to the end of the boom. This modification has undergone additional IWA 14-1 testing using an 1500Kg (M1) saloon car travelling at 30mph. It also successfully passed the CPNI VADS (Vehicle Access Denial Standard) testing.
The VADS Locking System ensures a variety of vehicle attack tactics are protected against. It has been designed to retrofit to an existing EB950CR and is available as an option for new EB950CRs.
The EB950CR is a highly dependable security product that will easily interface with a wide range of control equipment. Assembled in our fabrication facilities using heavy gauge materials to give maximum strength and durability. The EB950CR is a traditional rising arm barrier security barrier with the benefits of high level physical protection.
In stock:
- Physically impact tested to PAS 68 criteria & IWA 14-1
- Physically successfully tested to VADS
- Shallow mounting from 470mm overall depth
- Manufactured from heavy gauge materials
- Manual hand pump facility
- Programmable controller
- 100% duty cycling
- Confidence in proven performance
- Overcomes site depth restrictions
- Strength and durability
- Operational under power failure conditions
- Flexibility to interface with all forms of access control
- Reliable and dependable